Let’s get dangerous (in a good way)

Nocturnal Assassins: Noun. Pronounced [ the-clan-you-want-to-join ]. Family of casual gamers looking to have a good time. Typically found dropping dubs in Fortnite and MW3. Join us on Discord. Come on, you know you want to.

"Forged in Darkness, Perfected in Silence: Nocturnal Assassins”

Upcoming Streams

Lightning strikes as ThunderHawk386 maneuvers through Warzone and MW3, leaving behind a trail of destruction.

From intense Fortnite battles to tranquil hunting and fishing expeditions, Valexx07’s streams offer diverse and exciting gameplay.


We're thrilled to announce our partnership with JungleCraft Games, establishing us as their premier collaboration partner in esports gaming!

Their mission is to spread joy and entertainment to players globally, integrating Web3 technologies into the heart of their games.

If the concepts of NFTs, blockchain, and the opportunity to earn while playing intrigue you, make sure to check them out!

JungleCraft Games